Tom Haughey:
Slavery returns
Please read article in order to understand what I have to say.
I am not sure who Haughey is nor what planet he lives on, but to compare universal health care to slavery proves he is not from this universe.
In his statements regarding how pre-civil war only slaves received free medical care while free white people did without borders on racism and totally crosses the line on ignorance of history.
For him to believe we are not already slaves to for profit insurance company's and hospitals again either ignorant or in the pockets of health care business.
My email response to this article:
'Most of us who are insured are already slaves to our health care. As a former ER/Critical Nurse and now a disabled drain on my insurance; I can assure you that all the things you wrote in your article about universal health care is already a reality. I watched as the hospitals I worked in changed from Board of Directors composed of Physicians to Businessmen. Which epitomizes the old saying "The fox guarding the hen house".
"All hospitals I know of became structured for profit vs patient care. Suddenly, we were no longer allowed to staff according to patient acuity. It was a flat 3-5 patients per ICU nurse. Our ER's became bogged down, not due to increase in patients, but lack of staff.
I was on the verge of quitting nursing (as hundreds already have) due to lack of ability to care for patients properly, as well as knowing I could lose my license at anytime.
I have watched as we rolled a child out of a trauma room into the hallway to make room for another trauma. sitting in that hallway she had no physician nor nurse attention: all of this despite the fact she had a head injury due to car accident.
I have heard Physicians rant how they can not care for their patients according to their needs, but according to what their insurance company approves (again, not doctors making those decisions but business). The foxes have taken over both ends.
Health insurance companies already charge higher rates for smokers and people who 'they' determine obese. Though the body-adipose ratio is much lower then what doctors use.
I have ER stories which if I were to speak out about could very well close some large Trauma centers down by JCHACO. People dying because not enough staff, or staff been on duty 16 hours without breaks making mistakes, or just plain neglect in waiting room because their insurance requires prior notification and approval before being seen.
This is our health care now. So how does your article, or opinion differ from what we already have?"
It must be nice to live in the world that you seem to exist in. But for most of us, the world is very different.
We do not need health care reform, but health care revolution.
If my husband was old enough to retire, my teenage daughter grown, then we would do what so many other baby-boomers are doing. Retiring in nations where health care is free and good.
Just think of the effect on our economy as we all start leaving. I have known some who have moved as far as Saudi Arabia.
Either that are go into politics to win a seat in Congress so they have free and good insurance.
So the next time you wish to voice your opinion, I would suggest you set down with a group of Dr's, nurses, and patients. Find out that most of us are already slaves. As my grandpa use to say 'opinions are like a**h***s, every body has one'. Truth on the other hand requires unbiased research.'
Then I checked out another of his articles in same paper. Not very surprised to find he is a supporter and active in the Tea Party movement. The biggest con invented by big corporations to melt the keys to the shackles we already have on. And I must admit, their cleverest one.
One Payee health care can not make us slaves, we already are. And the Freedom Works group are convincing people to work for their continued enslavement.
Haughey: McAllen Fourth of July Tea Party was a big success
For those who do not know the beginnings of the Tea Party movement nor the group who organizes and promotes (from behind the scenes of course) I will give you the truth vs the emotional twisted version they promote.
This is the website. At first look it all seems to be very patriotic and all for the common person's rights.
But dig just a little beneath the surface and what you find is all board members and founding members are lobbyist, wealthy business owners, ties to pharmaceutical companies, etc.......
A HUGE Duhhhhhhhh, 1+1=what
Just click on board of Directors.
First scroll down to
FreedomWorks Foundation
The Honorable Dick Armey (Chairman) Former House Majority Leader.
He also works for the largest law firm in the world. Known for their successful lobbying efforts in Congress.
Richard K. Armey Senior Policy Advisor and Co-Chair, Homeland Security
Steve Forbes (full bio )
Forbes Magazine: Steve Forbes is President and Chief Executive Officer of Forbes and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes magazine. The company’s flagship publication, Forbes, is the nation’s leading business magazine, with a circulation of 900,000. In both 1996 and 2000, Mr. Forbes campaigned vigorously for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Key to his platform were a flat tax, medical savings accounts, a new Social Security system for working Americans, parental choice of schools for their children, term limits and a strong national defense. Mr. Forbes is the author of Flat Tax Revolution: Using a Postcard to Abolish the IRS (Regnery, 2005) and A New Birth of FreedomTed Abram
American Institute for Full Employment
Ted Abram is executive director of the Klamath Falls, Oregon-based American Institute for Full Employment. Prior, Abram served 16 years as a Circuit Court Judge for the State of Oregon. He spent ten years as Presiding Circuit Judge for Klamath and Lake Counties and served on the Commission for Judicial Fitness for six years.
(Abrams non-profit organization sounds good until once again you dig a little or lot)Unemployment Insurance and Workforce
Over time Unemployment Insurance tax structures can develop unintended negative impacts on employers, employees and the economy. This can result in unstable trust funds, unfair taxation and higher unemployment. For example, studies show that 30% to 50% of temporary layoffs can be due to imperfect unemployment insurance tax structures.
Unemployment claimants can take twice as long to find work as the uninsured . During this time they normally try to get by with half of their former wage in benefits and rapidly spend what little savings they have. Studies show that there are a number of ways to speed up reemployment, but the key is to do so within state budgets while balancing the burden on state staff and employers, both of whom typically share the burden of verifying claimants’ worksearch efforts.
A little more digging to find his link to:
National Conference of State Legislators
Serves legislators and staffs of fifty states, commonwealths and territories. Provides research, technical assistance and opportunities for policymakers to exchange ideas on state issues.
Federal Human Services Issues are important to the states because actions by the federal government have consequences for state laws, policies and budgets. NCSL takes positions on federal actions based on policy adopted by the Conference. NCSL federal human services staff track federal legislation and regulations in many different areas: income security programs, including welfare reform reauthorization; human services programs including child care, nutrition assistance and the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG or Title XX); and assistance to immigrants and refugees. NCSL testifies on these issues before Congress and sends letters to Congress about these issues. Bill analyses and alerts keep legislators informed. If you are a legislator or legislative staffer, go to Join listserv, and you will receive information alerts or action alerts when bills are moving in Washington, D.C.
Read between the lines. Lobbying for no federal financial help for unemployment, child care, nutrition etc......Most states can not afford to go it alone. But again, the rich never care about that.
Robert Lansing
Litchfield Advisors, a Chicago real estate advisory company
Frank M. Sands, Sr.
Sands Capital Management
Frank M. Sands, Sr., is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Sands Capital Management. Sands Capital Management began operations in February of 1992. It was founded with the belief that a small, dedicated, professional investment group, committed to and focused on a high quality growth investment strategy, could create wealth for its clients over time and in a prudent fashion. The investment strategy has been developed and refined by Frank over his 37-year career in investment management. Since 1992, assets under management have increased from approximately $60 million to approximately $19 billion. In addition to his successful business, Mr. Sands has been involved as a board member of a number of different volunteer boards and community organizations. He and his wife, Marjorie, reside in Virginia.
Now let's look at the BOD:
The valued members of our Board of Directors help chart the course for FreedomWorks
The Honorable Dick Armey (Chairman)
Former House Majority Leader
The Honorable James H. Burnley
A partner at Venable LLP, James H. Burnley previously served as the U.S. Secretary of Transportation from 1987 to 1989 and is one of the nation’s foremost authorities on transportation law and policy. He also served as Deputy Secretary of Transportation from 1983 to 1987 and was General Counsel of the Department in 1983. Prior to his years with the USDOT, Mr. Burnley served as Associate Deputy Attorney General for the Justice Department and as Director of the VISTA Program in the early 1980s.
Matt Kibbe
Thomas Knudsen
Thomas Publishing Company
Thomas Knudsen is president of Thomas Publishers located in New York City. He graduated from Yale University and received an MBA from the Uris School of Business. like a normal book company but check out the business.
Richard J Stephenson
Cancer Treatment Centers of America
Richard Stephenson heads the Cancer Treatment Centers of America as well as several other health care, finance, and real estate companies. He received his bachelor’s degree from Wabash in Crawfordsville, Ind. and his J.D. from the Northwestern University School of Law.
Companies That Purport to Successfully Treat Cancer to Settle FTC Charges over Their Claims
FTC News Release: March 13, 1996
Old news, I know. But I had a patient whose husband was assured they could cure her pancratic cancer. After spending all they had saved, second mortaged their home, I was the one who had to console him when she died 3 months later. 2004 I was working in our Hospitals home health dept. Broke my heart everytime I went to see them.FreedomWorks Emeritus Board
Bill Jaeger
Jaeger Vineyards
Political contributions:
Top candidates
1. Thomas Daschle | $500 |
So once doing some research, I now understand why Haughy wants to convince us we are not already slaves, but will be if we get free health care. He, also, works to keep us slaves to large coroporations, who until the 16th admendment businesses were excluded from taxes. If the Tea Party's were to win out, only we the individuals would be required to pay.
What should be pushed is to insert the original wording of "uniform throughtout the US" and that it is for the "general welfare of US", which is its citizens not big business.
All of the Founders and Board of Directors of the Tea Party pushers have a large vested interest in doing away with federal taxes, preventing one payee health insurance, and removing any federal funds from states.
This was written by the founding fathers, not an admendment.
Section 8 - Powers of Congress
Amendment 16 - Status of Income Tax Clarified. Ratified 2/3/1913.
The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.
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