Sunday, July 05, 2009

Just throwing it out there

I believe in:

**Human Rights and equality for all

**Democratic Socialism (Workers, not corporations nor govt, own resources, production, industry)

**If we do not seek peace and justice with our neighbor, we will never create it globally.

**No one owns anything nor anyone.

**Life, Love, Wisdom are gifts to be shared.

**Memories are the only things which you will transport with you when you leave the earth.

**Moderation in all things. Especially consumerism.

My Loves:

**My beautiful daughters who have turned out perfect despite me।

**My precious grandkids who remind me daily how wondrous life is.

**My hard working and protective son-in-law who teaches me what strength is.

**My compassionate and passionate husband who never fails to amaze me with his acceptance of my weirdness.

My Dislikes:

**Judgmental attitudes

**Having ideals or beliefs shoved down my throat.

**Disrespect for others and earth.

**Tired, Old conspiracies (if you choose to chase ghost vs working for positive change thats fine, just leave me out of it)